
jueves, 11 de abril de 2019


1. Summarize in a few lines the documentary.
The Beast tell the history of thousands of Central Americans that wants to cross Mexico on freight trains to the United States border.
2. Why is the train called the Beast?
Because in very few occasions people arrive at their destination alive or in any case they come alive, rarely do they lack any part of their body.

3. What countries are the immigrants from? Where do they go?
The immigrants are from every parts of South America, specially Guatemala, Brasil, El Salvador, Ecuador and Mexico. They go to Canada or to USA

4. What is the academic profesional experience of the immigrants?
The immigrants did not have great careers, they work as: mechanic, electrician...

5. What dangers do immigrants face during the journey?
The most important danger that an immigrant faces when making the decision to get on the trains is the great risk of losing his life, if they manage to survive, they rarely do it with all the parts of their body.

6. What type of migratory routes are described in the documentary?
As we can see in the documentary there are two routes, one that goes from the southern to the northern hemisphere, and another that goes from northern to the southern hemisphere.

7. Explain the consequences of migrations for both the countries that send the emigrants away and the countries that receive immigrants?
The consequence  of sending emmigrants is that the population decrease, so the country suffers depopulation and there is a lower expenditure of money.

The consequece of revice immigrants is that the immigrants recive the worst jobs, racism icrease and there are a lot of cultural conflicts.
8. Give your personal opinion.
I think that everybody has to see this documentary because is a reality that is happen nowadays and we should know about the conditions we are living with although they do not affect us directly.